Anna Karenina is a 2012 historical romantic drama film directed by Joe Wright. Adapted by Tom Stoppard from Leo Tolstoy's 1877 novel of the same name, the film depicts the tragedy of Russian aristocrat and socialite Anna Karenina, wife of senior statesman Alexei Karenin, and her affair with the affluent officer Count Vronsky which leads to her ultimate demise. Anna is a young and elegant wife of Mr. Karenin, who is wealthy and old. She meets the handsome Count Vronsky. Anna and Vronsky fall in love with each. Anna Kareninov, nebo tak Anna Karenina ( ) je romn Lva Nikolajevie Tolstho poprv vydan na pokraovn v letech 1873 a 1877, tedy krtce po nvratu z Evropy a svatb s jeho enou. V romnu se propltaj dva hlavn pbhy: tragick, beznadjn osud Anny, jejho mue i milence a nalezen ivotnho tst a pravdy ve vztahu mezi. Anna Karenina r en brittisk dramafilm frn 2012 i regi av Joe Wright. Manuset r skrivet av Tom Stoppard och r baserat p Lev Tolstojs klassiska roman med samma namn. I rollerna finns bland andra Keira Knightley, Jude Law, Kelly Macdonald och Aaron TaylorJohnson. [1Filmen var nominerad till fyra Oscars vid Oscarsgalan 2013, varav den vann en (fr bsta kostym). The third collaboration of Academy Award nominee Keira Knightley with acclaimed director Joe Wright, following the awardwinning box office successes Pride Prejudice and Atonement, is a bold. Anna Karenina summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links. Anna Karenina (Russisch: , uitspraak: [an krenn; 1877) is de tweede grote roman van Tolstoj, tien jaar verschenen na zijn grote epos Oorlog en Vrede. De getrouwde hoofdpersoon, Anna Karenina, wordt hopeloos verliefd op de schatrijke en vlotte vrijgezelle graaf Vronski. This is an exquisitely photographed and beautifully acted film that is amazingly faithful to the novel. The story of Kitty and Levin is much neglected, but that seems to be the case with many adaptations of Anna Karenina. Una pelcula dirigida por Joe Wright con Keira Knightley, Jude Law, Aaron TaylorJohnson, Kelly Macdonald. Despus de multitud de versiones tanto para la televisin como para el cine, nos llega. Anna Karenina Un film di Joe Wright. Una versione di Anna Karenina che 'fila' letteralmente come un treno nella notte e alla maniera di un marionettista attraverso accorgimenti invisibili. Con Keira Knightley, Jude Law, Aaron Johnson, Kelly MacDonald, Matthew MacFadyen. Drammatico, Gran Bretagna, 2012 Sculo XIX. Anna Karenina (Keira Knightley) casada com Alexei Karenin (Jude Law), um rico funcionrio do governo. Ao viajar para consolar a cunhada. ANA KARENINA (1927) de Edmund Goulding. Greta Garbo protagoniza esta conocida y trgica novela de Leon Tolstoi que la propia actriz sueca interpret ocho aos despus en versin sonora. Con John Gilbert, Brandon Hurst y Phillipe de Lacey en el reparto. LOS COSACOS (1928) de George W. Clarence Brown termin este film codirigido por George W. Hill que adapta la novela homnima de. In prerevolutionary Moscow, Anna (The Cranes Are Flying's Cannes awardwinning Tatiana Samoilova), a beautiful young aristocrat, languishes in a loveless marriage to Karenin, a powerful politician and highly visible public figure. In late19thcentury Russian high society, St. Petersburg aristocrat Anna Karenina enters into a lifechanging affair with the dashing Count Alexei Vronsky. Anna Karnine (Anna Karenina) est un film dramatique et historique britannicofranais ralis par Joe Wright, sorti en 2012 Anna Karenina (in russo A ) un romanzo di Lev Tolstoj pubblicato per la prima volta nel 1877. Il romanzo apparve inizialmente a puntate sul periodico Russkij vestnik (Il messaggero russo) a partire dal 1875, ma nel 1877 la conclusione del romanzo venne pubblicata in forma di riassunto di poche righe e Tolstoj, che l aveva preso delle posizioni antinazionaliste. Anna Karenina (Russian: , IPA: [an krenn) is a novel by the Russian author Leo Tolstoy, first published in book form in 1878, and widely considered one of the greatest works of fiction ever written. It was initially released in serial installments from 1873 to 1877 in the periodical The Russian Messenger. Anna Karnine (en russe ) est un roman de Lon Tolsto paru en 1877 en feuilleton dans Le Messager russe. Il est considr comme un chefd'uvre de la littrature. L'auteur y oppose le calme bonheur d'un mnage honnte form par Lvine et Kitty Stcherbatsk aux humiliations et aux dboires qui accompagnent la passion coupable d'Alexis Vronski et d'Anna. Da Tolstoj skrev Anna Karenina fra 1873 til 1877 hadde han allerede hatt suksess med Krig og fred (1869), en historisk slektsroman fra Aleksander Is Russland og napoleonskrigenes tid. I dette verket er han kritisk til sosieteten og generalene, og lfter fram det russiske folks idealiserte landsbyliv. La historia tiene lugar en el siglo XIX y explora varias relaciones entre los miembros de la alta sociedad rusa. Ana Karenina, una mujer de la alta sociedad enamorada del joven oficial Vronski, que abandona a su esposo y a su hijo para seguir a su amante. Anna Karenina un film drammatico del 2012 diretto da Joe Wright, tratto dall'omonimo romanzo di Lev Tolstoj. Tra gli interpreti principali ci sono Keira Knightley, Matthew MacFadyen, Kelly Macdonald, Aaron Johnson e Jude Law. Joe Wright richiama in questo film il trio vincente del suo grande successo Orgoglio e pregiudizio, ovvero i talentuosi Keira Knightley e Matthew MacFadyen nel cast. Po seansie nowego filmu Wrighta wszyscy reyserzy pracujcy obecnie nad ekranizacjami arcydzie literatury powinni wrci do storyboardw i zastanowi si, czy nie maj nic do dodania..