Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series that premiered on American Broadcasting Company (ABC) as a midseason replacement on March 27, 2005. The series has aired for fourteen seasons, and focuses on the fictional lives of surgical interns and residents as they evolve into seasoned doctors while trying to maintain personal lives. The show's premise originated with Shonda. Dit is een lijst van afleveringen van seizoen n tot en met vijftien van de televisieserie Grey's Anatomy. Sezon pierwszy po raz pierwszy zosta wyemitowany 27 marca 2005, a ostatni odcinek 22 maja 2005. Seria pierwsza Greys Anatomy liczy 13 odcinkw, ale ABC zdecydowao si wyemitowa tylko 9. Kolejne 4 zostay przeniesione do nastpnej serii (czyli s to odcinki 2x01, 2x02, 2x03, 2x04). Cet article prsente le guide des pisodes de la dixime saison de la srie tlvise amricaine Grey's Anatomy. : Sceller notre destin ) Grey's Anatomy is an American medical drama television series that premiered on March 27, 2005, on the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) as a midseason replacement. The fictional series focuses on the lives of surgical interns, residents, and attending physicians, as they develop into seasoned doctors while trying to maintain personal lives and relationships. Grey's AnatomyEpisodenguide zu allen Staffeln und Folgen der Serie. Finde hier eine bersicht aller Episoden zur USSerie. Pa za poetak moe sudjelovati u temama na forumu, raspravljati na chatu a i razvijati prijateljstva sa lanovima. Kao registrirani korisnik moe uploadati prijevode koji e onda moderatori i administratori odobriti ili odbaciti uz objanjenje zato. Meredith Grey is the current head of general surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. She is the daughter of the nowdeceased Ellis Grey, a famed general surgeon, and Thatcher Grey. She was married to Derek Shepherd until his death; they have two daughters, Zola and Ellis, and a son, Bailey. She A guide listing the titles and air dates for episodes of the TV series Grey's Anatomy. Intern (and eventual resident) Meredith Grey finds herself caught up in personal and professional passions with fellow doctors at a Seattle hospital. Guided by a skillful team of dedicated doctors, Meredith Grey and her fellow interns struggle with lifeanddeath decisions at Seattle Grace Hospital. 'Grey's Anatomy' Renewed For Season. ABC announced that Grey's Anatomy will be returning for a 15th season. 5 months ago Cristina Yang is a researcher, Chief Medical Officer, and Director of Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Klausman Institute for Medical Research, having been trained at Seattle Grace Hospital, Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital, and Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. She was engaged to Preston Burke and Schaue auf Burning Series mehr als 4000 Serien wie Die Simpsons, The Big Bang Theory und viele mehr gratis. Titolo originale: Seal Our Fate Diretto da: Rob Corn Scritto da: Joan Rater Trama. Dopo la tempesta, i medici del Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital tentano di curare le vittime, ma presto trovano il Pronto Soccorso pieno. Meredith Greys erster Tag als rztin in Ausbildung am Seattle Grace Hospital beginnt chaotisch. Nicht nur, dass der Mann, mit dem sie am morgen aufgewacht ist, sich als ihr neuer Chef Dr. Derek Shepherd herausstellt, zu allem berfluss sind ihre Kolleginnen und Kollegen in der Ausbildung genauso ahnungslos wie sie. I came late to the Grey's Anatomy pool of fans but i can still give this a sound review because I went back and watched the entire show from season 1 to the latest episode in season 10. ( Uvod u Anatomiju ) Hitserija, okiena Zlatnim globusom za najbolju dramsku seriju i viestruko nominovana za Emi, zasniva se na ivotu doktorke Meredit Grej, koja poinje da radi kao staista u prestinoj bolnici Sijetl Grejs, a sa svojim komentarima na. Armenian: Yerkirmedia Meredith uma jovem cirurgi no Seattle Grace Hospital, onde h o mais rgido programa para residentes de Harvard. Ela e seus colegas Cristina Yang, Izzie Stevens, George OMalley e Alex Karev, so mdicos em um mundo onde o aprendizado pode ser uma questo de vida ou morte, e ainda precisam lidar com os problemas de suas vidas pessoais. com is the web's best resource for primetime television guides, grids and charts..